Understanding Routing, Controllers and Eloquent in Laravel.


Laravel is a popular PHP framework for building web applications. If you’re new to Laravel, it can be a bit overwhelming to try to understand all the different concepts and features of the framework. In this post, we’ll take a closer look at three of the most important concepts in Laravel: routing, controllers and Eloquent.


Routing is the process of mapping URLs to specific actions in your Laravel application. When a user visits a specific URL, Laravel will use the routing rules you’ve defined to determine which controller and method should handle the request.

For example, let’s say you have a controller called BlogController with a method called index. You can define a route that maps the URL /blog to this controller and method like this:

Route::get('/blog', [BlogController:class,'index']);

This tells Laravel that when a user visits the /blog URL, the index method of the BlogController should be executed.

You can also define routes with parameters, for example:

Route::get('/blog/{id}', [BlogController:class,'show']);

This tells Laravel that when a user visits the /blog/{id} URL, the show method of the BlogController should be executed and the id will be passed as a parameter to the method.

Routing is a crucial part of any Laravel application, and understanding how to define and use routes is essential for building functional web applications.


Controllers are the middlemen between the user and the application. They handle HTTP requests and return HTTP responses.

When a user visits a specific URL, the corresponding controller method will be executed. This method can interact with models to retrieve data, perform calculations, or even redirect the user to another page.

For example, let’s say you have a controller called BlogController with a method called index. This method will retrieve all the blog post from the database and return them to the user.

class BlogController extends Controller
    public function index()
        $posts = Post::all();
        return view('blog.index', compact('posts'));

Controllers are where the majority of the application logic takes place, and understanding how to create and use controllers is essential for building functional web applications.


Eloquent is Laravel’s Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) tool. It allows you to interact with your database using an object-oriented syntax. This means that you can use PHP classes to represent database tables, and each instance of the class represents a single row in the table.

For example, let’s say you have a table called posts, you can create a Post model like this:

class Post extends Model

Now you can retrieve all the posts from the database and return them to the user like this:

$posts = Post::all();

Eloquent also provides a lot of useful methods for performing common database operations such as creating, reading, updating and deleting records. Understanding how to use Eloquent is crucial for building a web application that can persist data.

For example, to create a new post, you can use the create method:

$post = Post::create([
    'title' => 'My First Post',
    'body' => 'This is my first post.'

To update a post, you can use the update method:

$post = Post::find(1);
$post->update(['title' => 'My Updated Post','body' => 'This is my updated post.']);

And to delete a post, you can use the delete method:

$post = Post::find(1);

Eloquent also supports relationships between models, which allow you to define how different models are related to each other. For example, you could define a hasMany relationship between Post and Comment, which means that each post has many comments.

In conclusion, understanding routing, controllers and Eloquent is a great first step in learning Laravel. These concepts form the foundation of any Laravel application, and mastering them will give you a solid understanding of how the framework works. Once you have a good grasp of these concepts, you can start diving deeper into the framework and using more advanced features.

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