What is the Agile Methodology and how does it work?

Tech Lead

Agile methodology is not defined by a set of specific development techniques. In fact,

Agile is a group of methodologies that demonstrate a commitment to feedback cycles and continuous improvement.

Often the concept of method and methodology ends up confusing an understanding of the whole concept. I admit that before writing this post I also had my doubts, but I managed to reach a final understanding. Understand that:

Method is simply a research tool, a component of research – for example, a quantitative method such as interviews. Methodology is a system of methods used in a particular area of study or activity.

The image below explains where the set of agile methodologies and each methodology fits into the model.

What is the Agile set of methodologies?

Agile Methodology is an iterative approach to project management and software development that helps teams deliver value to the customer faster and with less headache.

Instead of betting everything on a single release, an agile team delivers work in small increments that can be used. Requirements, plans and results are continuously evaluated so that the team has a mechanism to respond quickly to possible changes or updates.

The original Agile Manifesto did not prescribe any kind of initial rule, such as two-week iterations or an ideal team size. It simply established a set of 4 core values.

  • The focus should be on individuals and interactions, rather than processes and tools
  • Working software is more important than comprehensive documentation
  • Collaboration with the client is more vital than contract negotiation
  • The process should respond to changes rather than following a plan

How you and your team will work on these values – whether you use Scrum or mix elements of Kanban and XP – depends entirely on you and your team.

How does the Agile Methodology work?

The agile model adopts an iterative development, and each iteration, also known as a sprint, is designed to be small and manageable to be delivered in a short period of time, usually one or two weeks.

The agile process is a group of development processes, and its main reason is to remove/avoid activities that may not be necessary for the project and remove anything that is a waste of time and effort.

Benefits of the Agile Methodology

Teams generally choose to use agile methodology because it allows them to respond quickly to market changes or customer feedback. Planning and implementation in small and frequent increments allows your team to get feedback on each change and integrate it into future plans at a minimal cost.

But it’s not just a numbers game – first and foremost, it’s about people. As described by the Agile Manifesto, human interactions are more important than following processes to the letter.

Collaborating with clients and teammates is more important than pre-defined rules. And delivering a functional solution to a customer’s problem is more important than hyper-detailed documentation.

But if we needed to list the benefits of agile methodologies, they would be:

  • Faster: Speed is one of the greatest benefits of the Agile Model. A faster software development lifecycle also means less time between paying and getting paid.
  • Increased customer satisfaction: Following this model, customers don’t wait months or years to get exactly what they didn’t want. Instead, they get iterations of something very close to what they want, much faster.
  • Employee value: Employees whose ideas are valued are much more productive than those who are ordered to follow a set of rules.
  • Eliminate rework. By involving the customer in more than just the requirements and delivery phases, the project remains in tune with the customer’s needs at each stage. This means less rework and less “off-line” time between the time we do the work and the time the client suggests revisions.

Examples of Agile Methodology

The most popular and common examples are:

  • Scrum
  • eXtreme Programming (XP)
  • Feature Driven Development (FDD)
  • Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM)
  • Adaptive Software Development (ASD)
  • Crystal
  • Lean Software Development (LSD).

Teams usually choose one or two methods. The most commonly used methods are Scrum and XP, which fit together very well.

Let’s talk about them in a next article.

Bottom line

The agile methodology is an effective process for teams seeking a flexible approach to software development. The agile methodology can be implemented for any enterprise that requires a plan that needs to value collaboration with the client, teamwork, responsive changes and, of course, quality results.

Como a metodologia ágil melhorou a maneira de trabalhar de sua equipe? Não se esqueça de compartilhar suas dicas conosco!

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