8 JavaScript filter Hacks You Need to Know


In this blog post, I’m going to share 7 JavaScript filter hacks that you need to know. These hacks will help you to use the filter() method more effectively and efficiently.

1. Filter an array by multiple conditions with the filter() method

Ever been faced with the task of navigating through a vast dataset in JavaScript? It might seem like a formidable challenge at first, but fear not! With the filter() method, this task becomes surprisingly easy and efficient.

The filter() method in JavaScript comes to the rescue by creating a new array that holds elements passing a specific test defined by a function. Whether you’re tidying up your data, removing unwanted elements, or simply seeking specific elements, filter() is your go-to tool.

Let’s say you have an array of numbers, like this:

const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]; 

The filter() method takes a callback function as an argument and this function is called for each element in the array, and if the callback function returns true, the element is included in the new array.

You can use the filter() method to create a new array that only contains elements that meet multiple conditions. For example, to create a new array that only contains numbers that are both even and greater than 5, you would do this:

const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]; 
const evenNumbersGreaterThan5 = numbers.filter(number => number % 2 === 0 && number > 5); 

In the above code snippet, the callback function checks if the number is both even and greater than 5. If it is, the element is included in the new array evenNumbersGreaterThan5.

Here is an example of how to filter the numbers array to only include numbers that are both even and less than 10:

const evenNumbersLessThan10 = numbers.filter(number => number % 2 === 0 && number < 10); 

And here is an example of how to filter the numbers array to only include numbers that are odd and greater than 5:

const oddNumbersGreaterThan5 = numbers.filter(number => number % 2 !== 0 && number > 5); 

You can use the filter() method to filter arrays by any number of conditions.

2. Filter an array by value type using the filter() method

Let’s say you have an array of different data types, like this:

const mixedArray = [1, "string", true, {}, [], null];

You can use the filter() method to create a new array that only contains elements of a specific type. For example, to create a new array that only contains strings, you would do this:

const strings = mixedArray.filter(element => typeof element === "string");

If the element is a string it is included in the new array strings (the typeof operator returns the data type of a value).

You can use the filter() method to filter arrays by any type of data, such as numbers, objects, arrays, and even null and undefined.

Here is an example of how to filter the mixedArray array to only include numbers:

const numbers = mixedArray.filter(element => typeof element === "number");

And here is an example of how to filter the mixedArray array to only include objects:

const objects = mixedArray.filter(element => typeof element === "object");

The filter() method is a very powerful tool for filtering arrays in JavaScript. It can be used to create new arrays that only contain the data that you need.

3. Filter an array by object property using the filter() method

Let’s say you have an array of objects, like this:

const users = [
  { name: "Alice", age: 25, occupation: "Software Engineer", location: "United States" },
  { name: "Bob", age: 30, occupation: "Business Analyst", location: "Bahamas" },
  { name: "Carol", age: 20, occupation: "Analyst Programmer", location: "London" },

You can use the filter() method to create a new array that only contains objects where a specific property has a specific value. For example, to create a new array that only contains users who are over 25 years old, you would do this, we’ll use the dot notation here to access te object’s properties.

const adultUsers = users.filter(user => user.age > 25);

The callback function in this example checks if the age property of the user object is greater than 25. If it is, the object is included in the new array adultUsers.

You can use the filter() method to filter arrays of objects by any property value. For example, you could filter an array of users by their name, location, or occupation.

Here is an example of how to filter the users array to only include users who live in the United States:

const usUsers = users.filter(user => user.location === "United States");

And here is an example of how to filter the users array to only include users who are employed as software engineers:

const softwareEngineerUsers = users.filter(user => user.occupation === "Software Engineer");

The filter() method is a very powerful tool for filtering arrays of objects in JavaScript. It can be used to create new arrays that only contain the data that you need.

4. Filter an array by nested object property using the filter() method

Imagine you have a list of products, like this:

const products = [
    name: "Smart TV",
    categories: ["Electronics", "Home & Garden"],
    isOnSale: true,
    name: "Sunglasses",
    categories: ["Clothing", "Accessories"],
    isOnSale: false,
    name: "Printer",
    categories: ["Electronics", "Office Supplies"],
    isOnSale: true,

You can use the filter() method to filter the products array by any property of the nested categories object, such as the category name. For example, to filter the products array to only include products that are in the “Electronics” category, you would do this:

const electronicProducts = products.filter(product => product.categories.includes("Electronics"));

The includes() method returns true if the array contains the specified value, and false otherwise.

Or, to filter the products array to only include products that are in the “Home & Garden” category, you would do this:

const homeAndGardenProducts = products.filter(
  product => product.categories.includes("Home & Garden")

You can also use the filter() method to filter the products array by multiple nested object properties. For example, to filter the products array to only include products that are in the “Electronics” category and are also on sale, you would do this:

const electronicProductsOnSale = products.filter(
  product => product.categories.includes("Electronics") && product.isOnSale

The filter() method is a powerful tool for filtering arrays of objects by any criteria you want. This is a great way to get the specific data you need from an array of objects

5. Filter an array by regular expression using the Javascript filter() method

Regular expressions (regex) are a powerful tool for filtering arrays by any criteria you want. They allow you to match specific patterns in strings, and you can use them to filter arrays of strings, arrays of objects, or any other type of array. To filter an array with a regular expression, you just need pass a callback function that uses the regex to the filter() method.

For example, to find any string that start with the letter A you could use the regex /^A/i

const strings = ["Apple", "Banana", "Cat", "Dog"];

const aStrings = strings.filter(string => string.match(/^A/i));

console.log(aStrings); // ["Apple"]

Imagine you have a list of email addresses, and you want to filter the list to only include email addresses from a specific domain, such as “example.com”. You can use the filter() method to do this, along with regular expressions.

Here is an example of how to filter an array of email addresses to only include email addresses from the “example.com” domain:

const emailAddresses = ["alice@example.com", "bob@example.com", "carol@gmail.com", "dave@yahoo.com"];

const exampleEmailAddresses = emailAddresses.filter(emailAddress => emailAddress.match(/@example.com$/));

console.log(exampleEmailAddresses); // ["alice@example.com", "bob@example.com"]

The regular expression /@example.com$/ matches any string that ends with “@example.com”. The filter() method will call the callback function for each email address in the emailAddresses array, and if the callback function returns true, the email address will be included in the exampleEmailAddresses array.

You can use regular expressions to filter arrays by any criteria you want. For example, you could filter an array of email addresses by name, domain, or any other property of the email address, including whether it has a valid format:

const emailAddresses = ["alice@example.com", "bob@example.com", "carol@gmail.com", "dave@yahoo.com", "invalid_email_address"];

const validEmailAddresses = emailAddresses.filter(emailAddress => emailAddress.match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}$/));

console.log(validEmailAddresses); // ["alice@example.com", "bob@example.com", "carol@gmail.com", "dave@yahoo.com"]

You could also use regular expressions to filter arrays of other types of objects, such as arrays of products, arrays of customers, or arrays of anything else.

6. Filter an array more efficiently using chained filter() methods

We have seen already that is possible to filter any array by using multiple conditions. Another way to do that is by chaining the filter() method to other filters. Chained filter methods allow you to filter arrays by multiple conditions in a more efficient and readable way.

When you use a single filter() method with multiple conditions, the JavaScript engine has to create a new array for each condition. This can be inefficient if you are filtering a large array.

When you use chained filter methods, the JavaScript engine only has to create one new array. This is because the output of one filter method is used as the input to the next filter method.

Here is an example of a single filter() method with multiple conditions:

const products = [
  { name: "Product A", price: 10, category: "electronics" },
  { name: "Product B", price: 20, category: "clothing" },
  { name: "Product C", price: 30, category: "electronics" },
  { name: "Product D", price: 40, category: "clothing" },

const cheapElectronicProducts = products.filter(
  product => product.price < 20 && product.category === "electronics"

This code first filters the products array to only include products that cost less than $20. Then, it filters the filtered array to only include products that are in the “electronics” category.

Here is an example of chained filter() methods:

const products = [
  { name: "Product A", price: 10, category: "electronics" },
  { name: "Product B", price: 20, category: "clothing" },
  { name: "Product C", price: 30, category: "electronics" },
  { name: "Product D", price: 40, category: "clothing" },

const cheapElectronicProducts = products
  .filter(product => product.price < 20)
  .filter(product => product.category === "electronics");

This code also creates two new arrays, but it does it in a more efficient way. The first filter method creates a new array of products that cost less than $20. The second filter method uses the output of the first filter method as its input to create a new array of products that are in the “electronics” category.

As you can see, chained filter methods can be more efficient than using a single filter method with multiple conditions, especially when filtering large arrays.

7. Filter an array by chaining other methods

What you haven’t see so far, is that you can also chain the filter() method with other useful methods, such as the map() and reduce() methods.

For example, the following code chains the filter() and map() methods to get the names of all the cheap electronic products:

const products = [
  { name: "Product A", price: 10, category: "electronics" },
  { name: "Product B", price: 20, category: "clothing" },
  { name: "Product C", price: 30, category: "electronics" },
  { name: "Product D", price: 40, category: "clothing" },

const cheapElectronicProductNames = products.filter(product => product.price < 20)
  .filter(product => product.category === "electronics")
  .map(product => product.name);

console.log(cheapElectronicProductNames); // ["Product A"]

This code first filters the products array to only include products that cost less than $20. Then, it filters the filtered array to only include products that are in the “electronics” category. Finally, it maps the filtered array to a new array containing the names of all the products.

You can chain the filter() method with any other method that takes an array as input and returns an array as output.

Let’s go through some extra examples:

Filter an array of products by price and category, and then map the filtered array to a new array containing the prices of all the products.

const cheapElectronicProductPrices = products.filter(product => product.price < 20)
  .filter(product => product.category === "electronics")
  .map(product => product.price);

console.log(cheapElectronicProductPrices); // [10]

Filter an array of users by age and location, and then reduce the filtered array to get the total number of users.

const totalUsersUnder18InCalifornia = users.filter(user => user.age < 18)
  .filter(user => user.location === "California")
  .reduce((total, user) => total + 1, 0);

console.log(totalUsersUnder18InCalifornia); // 10

Filter an array of products by price and category, and then sort the filtered array by price in ascending order

const sortedCheapElectronicProducts = products.filter(product => product.price < 20)
  .filter(product => product.category === "electronics")
  .sort((productA, productB) => productA.price - productB.price);

console.log(sortedCheapElectronicProducts); // [{ name: "Product A", price: 10, category: "electronics" }]

Chaining the filter() method with other useful methods can be a powerful way to filter and process arrays of data.

8. Filter unique elements of an array using the filter() method

Imagine you have an array of numbers, and you want to filter out all the duplicates. You can use the filter() method to do this by passing it a callback function that checks if the element is already in the array. If the element is not already in the array, the callback function should return true. Otherwise, the callback function should return false.

Here is an example of how to do this:

const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 1, 4, 5, 2, 6];

const uniqueNumbers = numbers.filter((number, index) => {
  return numbers.indexOf(number) === index;

console.log(uniqueNumbers); // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

Now imagine you have an array of objects, and you want to filter out all the duplicates based on a specific property of the object. For example, let’s say you have an array of users, and you want to filter out all the duplicates based on the name property.

You can use the same general approach as in the first example, but you’ll need to modify the callback function to check for uniqueness based on the name property.

Here is an example of how to do this:

const users = [
  { name: "Alice", age: 25 },
  { name: "Bob", age: 30 },
  { name: "Carol", age: 35 },
  { name: "Alice", age: 20 },

const uniqueUsers = users.filter((user, index) => {
  return users.findIndex((otherUser) => otherUser.name === user.name) === index;

console.log(uniqueUsers); // [{ name: "Alice", age: 25 }, { name: "Bob", age: 30 }, { name: "Carol", age: 35 }]

As you can see, the filter() method is a very powerful tool for filtering arrays to obtain unique elements. You can use it to filter arrays of numbers, arrays of objects, or any other type of array.


Armed with these potent JavaScript filter hacks, you now possess the prowess to filter arrays with finesse. The filter() method, with its ability to sieve through data based on diverse conditions and criteria, is your loyal companion in the world of JavaScript.

From filtering by multiple conditions to crafting intricate regex patterns, and from filtering based on value types to honing in on object properties and nested objects, you’ve traversed an array of possibilities. Chaining filters and integrating other methods like map() and reduce() into the mix further expand your array-manipulating toolkit.

Remember, the power to shape and tailor arrays to your specific needs is now at your fingertips. Happy filtering!

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